Sunday, March 22, 2009

Let Them Eat Pizza

R and I thought we would like to try our hand at making some pizza from scratch. R has a theory about most things in life and it's this; if a little is good then more must be better. I came back from walking Deacon and found him in the kitchen kneading a bowling ball, ummm I mean a ball of dough. I don't know if he read the recipe correctly but I think instead of 3 cups of flour he used a bag. Instead of risking another disaster I had him drive over to a nearby Italian bakery to buy a package of ready-made dough. He came back with not one but two bags of dough. So there we were, just the two of us with three large pizzas on the counter. Oh well, saves me from figuring out what's for dinner tomorrow.


  1. I'll be right there...they look yummy!

  2. Pizza dough also freezes really well. I usually make a double batch then keep one ball in the freezer for the following week. Really handy if short on time :) K x

  3. JoAnn, I tried slices from two of them and they were delicious! We certainly could have used your help.

    Kristina, There's a ball of dough in the freezer from our last Perogie Party which I should probably give the old heave ho.

  4. Tell R that he might want to stick to his delicious ginger cookies!
