Friday, January 30, 2009

More Saki

A few days ago on Danielle's blog, A Work in Progress, she wrote about 1000 Books Everyone Must Read. Under the genre of comedy there were two Saki titles, The Unbearable Bassington and The Westminster Alice. It just so happens that I own The Complete Saki so I took off upstairs to retrieve it and have a peek. I flipped to page 569 and here's the first paragraph of The Unbearable Bassington: Francesca Bassington sat in the drawing-room of her house in Blue Street, W., regaling herself and her estimable brother Henry with China tea and small cress sandwiches. The meal was of that elegant proportion which, while ministering sympathetically to the desires of the moment, is happily reminiscent of a satisfactory luncheon and blessedly expectant of an elaborate dinner to come.

Don't you just love the language! This is going to be a fabulous read, I can picture a gentle Spring rain, a pot of tea and a blanket to cozy up with. I'm in denial about Deacon, the Boistrous Border Collie but perhaps I can lull him to sleep with some Saki.


  1. I've never read Saki, but that paragraph sure is tempting!

  2. JoAnn, I first read Saki in Everymans 'Christmas Stories'. The short story was called Reginald's Christmas Revel and it was hilarious - if you like satire. Keep him in mind!

  3. I read a few Saki stories last year and then promptly mooched The Chronicles of Clovis. Did he write any novels? I love his writing style, too--it sounds so wonderful in your mind as you're reading! And his humor is exactly what I like!

  4. Danielle, Yes, he did write 3 novels. The Unbearable Bassington, When William Came and The Westminster Alice. I think I need to take this 944 page book off to a deserted island for a couple of weeks!
